So guys, I made this page for you all. To talk about piracy. I'm just giving resources for you. Let's start with your PC.

Windows And Apps

First things first, PLEASE USE FIREFOX and get addons like uBlock Origin Ad Blocker and DownThemAll. Google Chrome is now blocking Adblocker Plugins, web with ads getting into your eyes just makes your eyes get cancer with scams.

Also Windows has own Anti-Virus Program, ofc you don't need other one too. But I recommend you to use with Malwarebytes. It's kinda be like "sidekick" with Windows Defender.

Let's talk about other apps that is useful for you. The Youtuber Chris Titus made a program that can run from Powershell (without installing the program itself), to download recommend programs (by himself) in multi-installer way. Open your Powershell in Admin and enter this or copy this and paste it:
irm | iex
Now you see a lot of recommend apps by Chris Titus himself. But for normal user, installing;

Archived Software And Games

Now coming to legal ones, the games and software that is abandonware by the company. They always ended up on safe sites. Safe sites like Internet Archive or some random Russian site (No joke, they are good at archive stuff).

Now I'm gonna list useful sites or sub-sites to use!

Pirating Software And Games

Of course, not everyone has money but... Sometimes you need to test the program or game before you buy (No joke, some people does this!). Because not everyone has Trial or Demo for programs or games. Back to piracy, I recommend you to read MEGATHREAD because not every site is NOT SAFE to use. Also Like I said before at start, use Firefox with Adblocker and use Malwarebytes. Also there is FreeMediaHeckYeah and has useful tools and software to use.