What is This Site?

Helloo! I'm Luna or with my nick name, The Sparrowhawk or Sparrow. Just some internet person in internet, doing weird shit like everyone does... Who is terminally online.... You get it.


What's Your Job?

I'm Graphic Designer, Web Programmer, Web Designer, Programmer, Game Developer (not kinda for now) and finally, beginner 3D artist. I am supportive of AI being used for helpful stuff than used for lazy stuff (like "AI Art"). Open Source supporter. Pirate Activist for people can use pirated stuff to have fun.

Why Are You Here Then?

Because I love to make websites. I love to do entertain people. No, I'm not a Youtuber or something like that. I'm just a unknown internet person. Also I do AI bots, very weird ones and everyone's favurite the Mans of Call Of Duty (Price, Ghost, Soap etc.). I know you weridos doing with bots, God is watching your sins. HEHE.

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